Best old sitcoms through the years - Cue the laugh track

There’s nothing better than sitting back in your most comfortable armchair, switching the TV to your favourite sitcom and laughing along with the pre-recorded laugh track. Sitcoms have embedded themselves in television history. These shows have become popular among many households and are now one of the preferred family pastimes in our day and age. But sitcoms have a rich history that go back as far as the 70s.

Here are some of the best sitcoms of all time. From the 1970s to the 2000s. This list includes the top sitcoms through the decades. Journey with us to remember some sitcoms from the 70s.

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Shows from the 70s

The best sitcoms from the 70s

The Brady Bunch

The story of the mixed Brady family became popular, not when it was released but when it had its reruns afterwards. The story plays out in the Brady household. In the household, there are 10 members, 2 parents, 1 housekeeper, 6 children and their pet dog. The two parents each bring their own 3 children into the household. The father brings his 3 boys and the mother her 3 daughters. The story revolves around the rivalry between siblings when suddenly placed in each other’s space and teenage problems as well as other challenges kids face growing up in a mixed household.

All in the family

Another sitcom about an American family that lives in Queens, New York. The family is somewhat of an all American stereotype. The father is stubborn and narrow-minded. The mother is kind and little more open-minded than the father although she tends to be a little slow at times. The children have some traits of the parents but they also are true ambassadors of their time. The daughter is a feminist and her husband is part of the 1960s counter culture. The generational and personal view differences make for some funny encounters.

Sitcom in the 80s

The 1980s was a strange time in history. The end of the cold war was on the horizon and technology development was gaining extreme momentum. These are a couple of the sitcoms that were popular in the 80s.

Family Ties

What a great example of the changes that took place in a decade concerning the attitude of the American people. In this sitcom, the parents are ex-hippies and the son is a proud republican. The show portrays the shift in the attitude of the American people from the 60s and 70s Hippie culture to the more conservative ways of the 80s. Most of the of the show also comes from the generational conflict.

The Cosby Show

Starring Bill Cosby, The Cosby Show was a favourite among Americans and others worldwide (Of course that was before the whole scandal with Bill). The show plays out with the Huxtable family. The show also had some serious issues it addressed despite its comedic tone. These subjects included dyslexia and teenage pregnancy, which the characters encounter as they go through their upper-middle-class lives in Brooklyn Heights. The show drew a lot of attention, as it was one of the most popular shows that featured an African American family at its centre.


It would be a shame if I only stuck to the American sitcoms and not even mention at least one British sitcom. The British are known for their humour and for good reason. Blackadder stars Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean) as the lead role to provide us with some classic English comedy. The show follows the Blackadder family line through significant periods of history. Each series is set in a different era. The Blackadder is usually a self-centred coward that only focusses on his own gain. This show is a must watch for any- and everyone.

Smells like 90s comedy

Although the 70s and 80s were part of the golden age of television comedy, the 90s did not disappoint. You can find more than a few 90s sitcoms that are on rerun today over multiple networks. Here are some well-known titles from the 90s.


One of the most memorable shows in history. Even if you haven’t watched Friends, I won’t believe you if you said that you’ve never heard of it. See how a group of friends navigate life through their mid-twenties. See how they deal with personal- and romantic relationships as well as career issues. Friends ran for ten years and produced 10 seasons that generated critical acclaim worldwide.

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

In West Philadelphia born and raised. The lyrics to a song that’ll probably be stuck in your head for the rest of the day. Will Smith captivated audiences when he moved into the house of his rich family in Bel-Air in this brilliant old sitcom. After getting into a fight on a basketball court, he moves into a mansion (talk about punishment). The interactions between him and his upper-class family prove to be more than entertaining. If the first sentence of this paragraph didn’t get you singing along, you better stop what you’re doing and go check out this comedic masterpiece.

The 2000s feel like yesterday

The 2000s sitcoms feel like an extension of the 90s. Nevertheless, that bothered none of us partly thanks to the titles below.

Two and a Half Men

Charlie Sheen became the most paid man on television because of this show. A rich music jingle writer takes in his divorced brother and younger son when they have nowhere to go. Together the three of them try to coexist in Charlie’s beachside house in Malibu. The series was a staple to the 2000s and will be remembered for years to come.

How I Met Your Mother

The visual representation of a father telling the story of how he met his wife to his children. The story takes viewers into the life of Ted Mosby and his struggle to find love. In Manhattan, Ted tells his children of the most memorable times he experienced with his three friends. How I Met Your Mother ran for 10 years and provided audiences with an abundance of funny moments.

Each of these sitcoms are guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Experience the evolution of sitcom by watching a few episodes of each as you work your way down this list.


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