
Showing posts from August, 2019

Best free apk apps on Android that you are not using

There is a massive variety of apk apps with different functionalities, but have you heard of the following apps? Let’s check them out! Download following apk apps right now for free! Currently, there are more than 1 million apk apps available, including best-selling apps and all the free ones. Due to massive amount of apk apps on different kind of sources, people tend to download and use the most favoured apk apps and games. But still for every popular app such as Facebook or YouTube, there are lots of underrated gems out there. So if you want to fill up your Android phone with new and rare apk apps, quickly run through these following apps, that you might not be using but definitely should to get the most from your smartphone! HabitHub (Free) Nowadays consistency is considered number one priority to develop good habits, whether you are trying to add some new tasks to your daily routine, exercise to gain weight or lose it or simply develop a new healthy lifestyle. Th

Benefits Of Playing Mobile Games

Download free apk games on our store Apkafe Having a bad mood or a stressed day? Lucky for you, here on TOP1APK we have the hottest free apk games that will boost you up with following benefits! Mind-blowing Benefits Of Playing Mobile Games In modern life, where work and pressure come on top, everyone needs a lil bit of relaxation and fun. So what are you waiting for? Just hop on our store, download some amazing free apk games and have all the relaxation and fun that you could have. Check out these mind-blowing benefits of playing mobile games as well. They train your brain As a lot of researches showed ways to boost brain power, it is recommended to play mobile games, especially games with memorizing skills as well as tactics skills. Not only they train your memory, but also clear your mind, help your brain stay fresh as much as it could be. Additionally, playing games regularly can help increase memory capacity. For example, playing a game such as Bingo forces you to